About Us

www.EduMovLive.com is an online website which gives all latest trends about Bollywood, Hollywood, Movies, Sports, Politics, Technology, Education, Automobiles and much more. We try our best to give you true knowledge. Here we try to give you all the latest information. If you are having some information related to the content of this site, you can share this with us.

EduMovLive is a multi-niche site which targets the Youth of India, dealing with various categories like Results, Movies, Box office collections, Politics, Health, and Sports etc. We are a content portal that full fills all the needs of young audience. Our stories will educate, entertain and make the audience aware of everything.

Our Goal-
EduMovLive.com aims at becoming the best youth site all over India in the next few months. Indian people or usually the youth are always in the urge to learn more and know more about what is going on around them in the outside world. So, they keep searching desperately for latest news and updates.