Check here AIBE 9 Exam Syllabus 2015, AIBE 9 Exam Pattern 2015, All India Bar Exam Syllabus 2015, Bar Exam Syllabus 2015 as well as AIBE 9 Paper Pattern 2015
All Indian Bar Examination (AIBE) is being conducted by Bar Council of India (BCI) and will be held on 13th December 2015. This examination is mandatory for all the law students who are graduating from the academic year 2015-2016. To appear for the examination the candidates have to register themselves as and advocate under Section 24 of the Advocates Act, 1961. The candidates are eager to know AIBE 9 Exam Syllabus and Pattern 2015 so as to start their preparation for the examination according to the BAR Exam Syllabus and Examination Pattern.

AIBE 9 Exam Syllabus and Pattern 2015:-
:The examination is held to assess the capability of an Advocate to practice legal profession in India. Once, the candidate qualifies the examination, he/she gets the ‘Certificate of Practice’ by the BCI. The candidate willing to start preparation for AIBE Examination are waiting for AIBE Exam Schedule 2015, so as to start their preparation according to the syllabus and examination pattern.
AIBE 9 Exam Syllabus 2015:-
The BAR Exam Syllabus 2015 are mentioned below. The syllabus is taken from the last three to five years of the examination pattern. The candidates can follow the syllabus and start preparing so as to secure good marks and cover all the topics for the Bar Examination. The BAR 9 Exam Pattern is as follows:
- Constitutional Law: 10 questions
- C.P.C: 10 questions
- Cr. P.C: 10 questions
- Evidence: 8 questions
- Law of Contract, Specific Relief, Prop Laws, Spl Contract N.I Act: 20 questions
- I.P.C: 6 questions
- Jurisprudence: 3 questions
- Professional Ethics and Cases of Professional misconduct under B.C.I rules: 4 questions
- ADR plus Arbitration Act: 4 questions
- Limitation Act: 2 questions
- Company Law: 4 questions
- Family Law: 4 questions
- Labour plus Industrial Law: 6 questions
- Administration Law: 3 questions
- Law of Tort, including Motor Vehicle Accidents and Consumer Protection Law: 6 questions
AIBE 9 Exam Pattern and Schedule:-
There will be total 100 question which are multiple choice type.
The Examination paper will contain total 7 questions from each ‘Category I’ subject. The paper will also have 23 questions from ‘Category II’ subjects. These 23 questions will include questions from at least 5 Category II subjects. Part 1 Examination will question related to Category 1 and Part 2 examination will contain the questions related to Category 2. The candidate qualifying the Part 1 Examination will be eligible to give the Part 2 examination. The candidates are advised to have a complete study of both Part 1 and Part 2 examination based on the subjects of Category 1 and Category 2.
AIBE 9 Exam Important Dates:-
- The online registration and offline form sales will get closed on- November 12
- The last date for payment of challan for online and offline application is- November 13
- The last date for completion of online form is- November 16
- The last date for receiving offline application forms at BCI-Delhi is- November 18
- The admit cards for online and offline application will be available from- December 2
- The examination will be held on- December 13
The candidates are advised to start their preparation according to the mentioned syllabus and BEST OF LUCK for the examination. The candidates are advised to go through the mentioned syllabus so as to secure good marks in the examination. Be in touch with our website to get updated information about AIBE 9 Exam Syllabus 2015, AIBE 9 Exam Pattern 2015, AIBE Exam Schedule 2015, Bar Exam Syllabus 2015, Bar Exam Pattern 2015.
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