IIT JAM Admit Card 2016 Download Date for IIT JAM 2016 Entrance Exam IIT JAM 2016 Admit Card Website www.jam.iitm.ac.in IIT JAM 2016 Hall Ticket
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur is going to conduct the examination of Joint Admission for Master (JAM). The candidates who want to take admission in MSC and B.SC program, for those students IIT conducts JAM examination every year. There are many candidates who wants the education in IIT college, so they applied for this examination successfully. Now examination date has been released and all candidates are waiting for IIT JAM Admit Card 2016 to know all details about examination. The admit card will be available on the official website. Candidates can log on to official website to download the IIT JAM 2016 Admit Card.

IIT JAM Admit Card 2016 Download Details:-
IIT JAM Hall Ticket 2016 will be released for the candidates who applied for IIT JAM exam 2016 to get admission in IIT college for MSC and B.SC Programme. The examination will be held at various examination centers at 7th February 2016. Candidates have to download the admit card before the examination. Without admit card candidates will not be allowed to get entry in examination hall. Admit card contains all the details regarding to examination such as Examination date, examination time and place. It also contains some rules to remember for candidates during the examination.
IIT JAM 2016 Admit Card Releases:-
IIT JAM 2016 Exam Date had been decided by IIT for the candidates who are going to appeared in the examination. The IIT Kanpur for Joint Admission Test has been organized on 7th February 2016 at various examination centers. The examination was conducted for the admission of M.sc program in various IIT’s in India. Admit card is necessary for the candidates to attend the examination. So the admit card can be downloaded month of December from the official website i.e. www.iitk.ac.in/jam.
IIT JAM 2016 Exam Pattern:-
IIT JAM 2016 Exam Pattern is completely objective type question paper in all examination papers. The examination paper will be online computer based test (CBT) . There will be 7 papers in the examination and the time duration of all papers will be 3 hours. There will be a total 60 question of 100 marks in the examination.
Steps for download IIT JAM Admit Card 2016 from Website www.jam.iitm.ac.in:-
To download the IIT JAM Admit Card Feb 2016 from the official website candidates have to follow the following steps:
- Candidates log on to official web portal of IIT Guwahati i.e. www.iitk.ac.in/jam
- Go to the home page and search the section IIT JAM Admit Card 2016.
- Now click on the link and fill all details like Registration Number and ID or DOB (Date of Birth).
- Click on submit button to submit all details
- Admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Save it for further reference.
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