There are millions of people across the world who use Facebook regularly. Some people have made their habit in spending their lots time on Facebook. Do you that there are some more features that you never know about Facebook til now? will give you information about 10 interesting things that you must know if your are a Facebook user. Check below things that you never knew about Facebook.
These are the hidden Facebook features that most of the people don’t know about.
10 Things That You Never Knew About Facebook Till Now:
1.) Adding /4 to the end of Facebook’s URL will automatically direct you to Mark Zuckerberg’s wall
At the end of the URL Adding 5 or 6 in the end of URL can take you to various profiles such as Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz who are Facebook co-founders and Mark’s former i.e. college roommates. Added 7 will take you to the profile of Arie Hasit, who is one of another friend of Zuckerberg from his days at Harvard.
For Example- When you try If when redirect you to the Mark Zuckerberg‘s official profile.
2.) Al Pacino’s was the first Face on Facebook
Although Facebook being started in a small room, but Facebook’s 1st face was additional recognizable than you may possibly expect, and it was not a king of the nerds Mark Zuckerberg whose mug 1st enhanced the location.
Instead, Facebook’s early brand was a face coated in 1s and 0s. This wasn’t simply any face, however, the honored scar-free swede of Scarface himself, Al Pacino. however the Tagline ‘Say hi to my very little (Facebook) friend’ never caught on is on the far side.
3.) Facebook makes almost $2 million an hour

Remember once you were psyched to own your wages bumped to £6.50 an hour. Facebook is elimination everywhere that. Each hour, the social network is generating revenues in far more than $1.8 million.
Through advertising revenues the company’s second-quarter revenues of $4.042 billion equated to $44.4 million every day.
4.) Facebook is a major cause of divorce
According to current Divorce-Online study, Facebook is listed as a contributory consider as 3rd of UK divorces. There are many people obtaining caught Facebook stalking their exes Earlier this year one in seven Brits disclosed that they had considered divorcing their batter half only because of their Facebook posts.
5.) Facebook employs 0.0008% of its users
Facebook is kind of a sizeable employer, with 10,955 workers as of June thirty, 2015. However this is large, pales into unimportance when put next to the service’s 1.49 billion active monthly users.
These sizeable workers are unfolded across fourteen US offices, as well as the company’s Menlo Park headquarters in California, and an additional thirty-four offices around the globe.
6.) Facebook says LOL is dead
Nowadays to remember our old, long time friend and also the term that they always been there for us i.e. LOL. According to the team Zuckerberg, LOL, that one-time favorite term of enjoyment has passed on. Now, young start ‘haha’ at the place of it to social prominence. It is also been overtaken by emoji as a symbol of happiness such as a winky face, tongue-out emoticon, happy poo.
7.) 100,000 Facebook friend requests are made every minute
The world is changing into a more and more connected place – and at a speedy rate too if these large friend request figures are something you pass. With over 20,000 individuals on Facebook each second and 7,246 new individuals connecting with the site a day, friend requests are dropping left right and center.
8.) Almost 70% of teens are Facebook friends with their parents
There’s lots of stuff floating around on our Facebook pages that you’d in all most likely rather your parents did not see. There are a lot of people are Facebook friends with their parents and dearest one.
9.) Changing your relationship status gets you noticed
This is one of the to increase your social visibility (by 225%) than by ever-changing your relationship status. Clearly it helps if you have truly met somebody – it looks less desperate – however if you are in one thing of a ‘Like’ slump it’s a simple win.
10.) 1 in 7 people has a Facebook account
With 1.49 billion active monthly users finally count, it is not just huge, it’s bloomin’ huge. That close to incomprehensible figure equates to one in seven people. Not simply within the developed world, everywhere, on the complete planet. This issue is massive!
A lot of them use the location a day, too. On August twenty-four of this year, Facebook hit one billion active users in a during a single day for the first time. It’s only a matter of your time before the complete world is connected.
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